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I decided to become a Manager...

In the recent months I decided to become a manager.

I did, I actually took a position for a fellow streaming brand to see what I could make happen and see what I could learn.

Let me say it ended up not working out but, I learned a lot!

I learned how the streaming business is ran at a higher level. This particular brand has made a few bucks so I figured for one I wanted to help and for two I wanted to learn. When operating a few stream channels that are constantly streaming all day everyday you need a team amongst many other things. The team consisted not only of streamers but managers, social media managers, supplies, etc. You think that there is just the person at the top making all of this money like crazy and sure it looks great on the surface but when you dive into it that may not necessarily be the truth.

Of course, they are making money, but at what cost?

What I mean is when you run a business like streaming you get to deal with it all, much like a normal business, because well, that's exactly what it is. From customers coming at you from all different levels, calls, texts, emails, streamer chat, etc. to the team and all of their needs. Picture this, you have a stream that is an hour or so from getting started and your streamer says they can't do it. They got sick, something came up, etc. Most business's would just take care of it or deal with it. Get someone to cover, take care of it yourself, or other means.

Not that easy when running a streaming business.

When you have streamers that are remote meaning different cities and states, sometimes different countries and they have the material needed to do the stream (products, supplies, etc.) then what do you do? Do you struggle to get someone to replace them, do you do it yourself, do you postpone, or do you simply cancel the show?

If you do some of those you end up losing money, or at the very least not making what you potentially could have. Not to mention potentially losing followers/ customers because you didn't follow through with what you promised.

All of that aside. I ended up not wanting to pursue the position any further. My main decision was putting in more work and effort than it was ultimately worth. Why do something that I can build and take care of myself? My way!

A lot of people thrive in not being the head of a company. A lot of people enjoy not having that kind of responsibility, which is awesome! Myself, I'd rather make less money creating something on my own versus building someone else's dream and making a ton.

When running a business there are a ton of stresses that come along with the territory. Everyone knows this. However, there is also a lot of pride and accomplishment that comes along with it too! During my streams and after there is an amazing sense of accomplishment that comes with that. When you see people bidding on your products and they win, that's awesome! Even when you're packaging up the orders to get sent out, that's an amazing feeling!

I have learned a few things in business and one of the key things is it's okay to listen to others. I know that when you start something it's your baby, and you'll be there in the end. Most people don't stick around to see it through like you will. However, it's okay for people to help you along the way. Be cautious still. Not everyone is out there to help you. Not everyone wants to see you succeed. It's crazy to see your "friends" ignore you, or not want you to win. It's crazy to not have your family's full support. Remember this, not everyone can see your dream. Not everyone can see it from your point of view and not everyone shares your desire to win! That's ok! Why should they share your same views? They aren't the ones to fully benefit or to fully put their blood sweat and tears into it. So again, why should they care as much as you do?

Thank you for the opportunity, but I'm building my own dream over here!

** Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this blog.

** I'd be happy to post more about business and my experiences!

Happy Collecting!

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